The water teems with seals

Seal ballet at Partridge Point

I took this short video clip on a dive at Seal Rock (Partridge Point) in False Bay, in very pleasant early July conditions. In the distance you can see Vlad with his video camera, filming the obliging seals as they perform and show off. This is a very exciting dive, and the seals come as close to you as they dare.


Unlike the seals in Hout Bay, which have nipped at our fins and hoodies before, they aren’t at all aggressive or hostile. Just when you think you’ve been left alone, you turn your head to find a pair of large, limpid seal eyes staring at you upside down. Then the sea bursts into a flurry of high speed pinniped bodies as a group of them finds you again and surrounds you with activity.

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.

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