Fishing at Cape Point

Newsletter: Submarines in the mist

Hi divers

Weekend diving

Saturday: 8.00 am at OPBC, double tank dives along the Atlantic seaboard

Sunday: To be decided, based on weather and conditions.

Text me or reply to this mail to be kept in the loop, or to book dives.

Submarine in the mist
Submarine in the mist

Volvo Ocean Race

I know that not everyone is a sailing fanatic, but there are currently seven world class racing yachts doing battle in the Atlantic Ocean as the Volvo Ocean Race fleet head for Cape Town. Take a look at the website and facebook page if you are interested. These engineering marvels sailed by some of the world’s best crew are due to arrive in Table Bay between the 2nd and the 6th of November. I am going to be out on the boat in Table Bay with my camera. Text me if you want to be on the list to be notified of this. I have strong ties to Denmark so I am rooting for Team Vestas Wind, but it is a 6487 nautical mile leg – they started in Alicante in Spain – so it’s a long, hard haul and anything can happen.

Conditions report

We dived the wreck of the Maori and the Sentinel on Saturday last weekend and had around 10-12 metre visibility with chilly 9 degree water. Sunday was blown out. The weather this week has been all over the place. On Monday we dived False Bay and had really lousy viz with a grumpy easterly swell. Yesterday we were out on a film shoot project and in thick fog we went around Whittle Rock, down to Rocky Bank and then across to Cape Point. The water was dark brown all the way out to the entrance of False Bay, where it cleaned up a bit, and once back inside the Point the darkness returned. We jumped in at Partridge Point for a brief snorkel with seals in around 2 metre or less visibility.

Fishing at Cape Point
Fishing at Cape Point

Dive plans

All this means it will be an Atlantic weekend. The winds are forecast to blow somewhere between 10 and 30 knots depending on which forecast you rate the best. The water does not look very clean in Hout Bay or Table Bay today, but the wind tonight and all day tomorrow should fix that.

I will launch from OPBC on Saturday at 8.00 am for a double tank dive and may do a third launch if the conditions are good. The wind is meant to blow harder in the afternoon but we will play it by ear.

I will wait until Saturday afternoon to plan for Sunday once it’s clearer what the conditions will be. If you want to dive, reply to this mail or text me and I’ll keep you in the loop.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals