Rock lobster carrying mussels

Sea life: Hungry rock lobster

A recent dive to North Paw, to an unexplored pinnacle in the north of the reef system, revealed large groups of West coast rock lobster, mostly very relaxed around divers. The site was also packed with night light sea jellies – many dead – and Tony found one rock lobster having a tasty jelly snack (without custard).

Rock lobster munching a sea jelly
Rock lobster munching a sea jelly

Later in the dive I found this big lobster, carefully carrying three or four mussels. Apparently rock lobster sever the threads that hold the mussels to rocks and to each other, and are able to crush the thin edges of the mussel shells with their mouth parts.

Rock lobster carrying mussels
Rock lobster carrying mussels

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.

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