Hard Aground: Memorable Western Cape Shipwrecks
Forgotten Shipwrecks of the Western Cape
Shipwrecks of the Far South
Michael Walker’s books are read like a conversation with an old sea salt over a glass of whiskey (or chocolate Steri Stumpie, whatever your preference). All of these books tell shipwreck stories – Walker is more concerned with the people involved, their bravery and heroism, and the way in which they responded to the events in which they found themselves. He covers wrecks from 1650 to 1950, and if you like a bit of backstory for your diving activities, these self-published books are a treat. He is a historian based in Kalk Bay and has also written books on the history of Muizenberg, St James and Kalk Bay.
Hard Aground was published in 2008, and both Forgotten Shipwrecks of the Western Cape and Shipwrecks of the Far South (which covers a lot of the wrecks we dive) in 2006.
You can find these books (sometimes) at Exclusive Books, or at Kalk Bay Books.
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