Gerard demonstrating the plastic bag technique for putting on a wetsuit

Handy Hints: Suit up!

The flow of knowledge doesn’t only go one way with Tony’s students. They have much to teach us, if we will only listen! Here’s a tip that Tony already knew, and which made me laugh my head off at first, but which I then decided was pretty cool.

Gerard demonstrating the plastic bag technique for putting on a wetsuit
Gerard demonstrating the plastic bag technique for putting on a wetsuit

As demonstrated by Gerard (I’ve seen Hilton do this as well, while we were on the boat): a plastic shopping bag helps your wetsuit to slide on more easily. Put it over each foot as you pull on the corresponding leg, and then over each hand as you do your arms.

That’s not Gerard’s beer bottle in the background, by the way. Long Beach parking area is a crazy place on a Saturday morning!

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.

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