Giant stride

Entry techniques

It is common for similar dive sites to have a completely different entry styles, and shore diving is no different.

Boat diving will in most instances involve either a backward roll or a giant stride depending on the size of the boat and the bottom contours. A giant stride off a jetty onto a submerged object is no fun.

Giant stride
Preparing to do a giant stride off the boat in Aqaba, Jordan
Giant stride
Doing a giant stride - note the inflated BCD, and hand over regulator and mask to hold them in place.

A giant stride can be a long drop to the water on a large boat that does not have a dive platform and it is important to ensure the area is clear before you leap.

Giant stride
Hitting the water, still holding mask and regulator in place

Doing a backward roll off an inflatable has its hazards. Ensure everyone rolls at the same time to avoid landing on the person next to you. Even the slightest hesitation can result in the boat drifting slightly and you landing on a diver. Ensure that your BCD is inflated, and that you have your hand over your regulator with your fingers on your mask to hold them in place. If someone does land on you, don’t panic – just relax, remember to breathe, and wait to pop to the surface.

Underwater below the boat
It can get crowded around the boat, which is why it's important to roll off exactly when the skipper tells you to

Shore entries may have you walking through the surf to get some depth and even a small wave can knock you off your feet. Clambering over rocks at some dive sites will find you slipping and sliding about so watch the waves and time your entry and exits.

If you aren’t already wearing your mask, make sure it’s around your neck or with the strap pushed well up over your forearm, NOT on top of your head or inside a fin! Or preferably on your face already. Ensure you have your fins clipped correctly and slide the straps up over your forearm so that if you stumble and place your hands instinctively in front of you they shouldn’t get lost. As soon as you are waist deep don your fins and swim away from the shore.

Irrespective of the style of entry, before committing to enter the water ensure your gear is clipped, weight belt tight,  zipped up suits and gloves are on. Ensure your mask is on and secure and your regulator firmly in your mouth, This will ensure that should you be toppled over by a wave you will be able to see and breathe. Likewise when doing a giant stride or backward roll, place one hand on your weight belt, the other over your face with the palm holding your regulator in and the fingers holding your mask firmly on your face.

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals