Bookshelf: Shoreline


Shoreline: Discovering South Africa’s Coast by Jeannie Hayward, Jaco Loubser, Claudio Velásquez Rojas

Sometimes I do things in the wrong order, and reading this book (I think) is an example of that. It’s the companion volume to locally-produced series Shoreline, of which I have only watched one episode while having a raucous conversation with my sister about whether her former junior school rival had aged well.

Like the television series, Shoreline the book is divided into chapters by location, traversing South Africa’s 2,800 kilometres of shoreline from the Orange river to Kosi Bay. Much of the text is taken directly from the television program, for which the script was written by the brilliant Tom Eaton. Magnificent photographs by Claudio Velásquez Rojas, who worked with Thomas Peschak on Currents of Contrast. The aerial photos in particular are incredible – much of South Africa’s coast is dramatically rocky with gorges, cliffs and free-standing formations such as Hole in the Wall at Coffee Bay, and seeing it from an unusual angle is very special.

The book is not solely focused on the marine and coastal wildlife and plants found along our shores, although many species are singled out. There is evidence of extremely early human settlement and family groups along the South African coastline, where the poly-unsaturated fatty acids available from marine species such as limpets would allow large-brained humanoid inhabitants of the sea caves along the southern Cape coast to thrive. There is thus a strong archaeological focus to the volume, and the marriage between natural history and anthropology, geology, oceanography, zoology, botany and archaeology is beautifully achieved. The communities that currently inhabit the shoreline and utilise its resources also feature, and I enjoyed learning of the fish kraals at Kosi Bay, the fish traps built by 19th century farmers along the Wild Coast, and the Thembe-Tonga people, who harvest red bait and other invertebrates from rock pools at full and new moon. The book also touches on subjects such as the KwaZulu Natal shark nets, Knysna seahorses, the diamond industry on the West Coast, and a number of other special interest subjects that apply to different sections of our coast.

As soon as I finished reading this book I made plans for a midweek break at De Kelders for me and Tony later this year (during whale season) and I have been plotting how we can explore some of the Wild Coast without going missing or getting stuck in the mud. The South African coast is compelling and varied, and it seems that one could travel it for a lifetime without getting bored. This beautiful book showcases the beauty, variety and history of our coast in spectacular fashion.

There are some representative photos here. A short review can be found here. I’d recommend it for locals as well as for tourists who want a coffee table volume to take home as a souvenir – this one has substance, as well as the requisite pretty pictures.

You can purchase a copy of the book here.

Journal: African Journal of Marine Science

The journal contents and abstracts can be found on the National Inquiry Services Centre (NISC) website. Most of the articles require paid subscription to access them, but there are some freely available:

I would caution against subscribing as an individual, because the subscription fee levied will be for a full calendar year, regardless of when you subscribe. If you do decide to subscribe, be sure to do it via NISC if you’re a South African.

Bookshelf: Diving with Giants

Diving with Giants: The World’s Best Pelagic Dives – Jack Jackson (editor)

Pelagic creatures are those that live in the open ocean. They’re generally large, fast, or both. Diving with them is thrilling – I will never forget my first glimpse of a whitetip reef shark on a deep dive in Sodwana this month.

This book is another of Jack Jackson’s coffee table books – the other one I have read is his Dive Atlas of the World. Like that volume, this is a large-format, beautifully illustrated volume that combines contributions from various local experts. Chris Fallows features once again with an article about the great whites in Cape Town. Our sevengill cowsharks appear to be a well-kept secret!


Diving with Giants
Diving with Giants – editor Jack Jackson


There are many places where you can dive with sharks and rays in relatively shallow water, making for an awesome dive experience. We are extremely fortunate in the Cape to have such a variety of shark species on our doorstep. The sardine run and the whale sharks and manta rays further north into Mozambique are also close by.

I was interested to read several cautions agains wearing light-coloured fins in these articles, because the sharks apparently mistake them for something more edible than rubber and plastic!

The photographs in this book are magnificent and it’s sure to be a conversation starter (or stopper – if you get too absorbed)! You can get a copy of the book here.

Documentary: Nature’s Great Events (BBC)

This is another BBC production, beautifully produced and made in the same format as The Blue Planet (no visible “presenters” or other fame-hungry wombats getting in the way of the actual spectacle of the natural events).

Nature's Great Events
Nature's Great Events - a BBC production

This series covers six spectacular natural events. As a diver, the most thrilling one for me was the sardine run off South Africa’s south coast. The camera work is unbelievable. It was filmed over a few years – ordinarily one wouldn’t be so lucky as to see this much all in one season. Tony and I recently attended a slideshow of photographs taken at this year’s sardine run, followed by the showing of a short (seven minute) film clip by Mark van Coller of Earth Photos. The photographs were spectacular, but that little film clip totally stole the show, and gave a glimpse of the speed and the drama of the event. Film definitely seems to be the best medium to capture the dynamism of this spectacle.

The salmon spawning in Alaska and the ice melt in the Arctic are beautiful, but it’s the plankton bloom in Alaska that also really captured my imagination. You see groups of whales feeding on the organisms, as well as sea lions and killer whales attracted to the feast.

Also included is the flooding of the Okovango Delta, and the animal migration in the Serengeti. As one has come to expect from the BBC, the camera work is impeccable, it’s seamlessly edited, and the narration is professional, non-intrusive, and adds to the overall production.

The official BBC site for this show is here. You can buy the DVD set at or