Date: 26 December 2013
It’s not often I get to crack out some Danish here in Cape Town, but I had that opportunity just after Christmas when I met the crew of this amazing looking yacht. (It reminded us of this Danish fishing boat.) You can see the red and white Dannebrog on the stern. The group were sailing around the world, and were spending some time relaxing in Simon’s Town before the next leg of the journey.
We motored past the boat several times before the conditions were suitable for me to greet them and shoot the breeze a bit. The skipper told me (in Danish) that the rest of the crew all needed a break from the pressures of modern society, and the teamwork and focus required to skipper across the world’s oceans was just what they would benefit from. We would probably all benefit from something like that!
Afterwards we headed south towards Smitswinkel Bay, and looked for clean water.
Hej hej!