Video still of the hooked cowshark

Friday poem: There was a Young Lady of Wales

Continuing on our limerick bender…

There was a Young Lady of Wales – Edward Lear

There was a Young Lady of Wales,
Who caught a large fish without scales;
When she lifted her hook
She exclaimed, ‘Only look!’
That ecstatic Young Lady of Wales.

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.

3 thoughts on “Friday poem: There was a Young Lady of Wales”

  1. A Gozo, Malta one my daughters made up when they were wee.

    There was a young lad in Xlendi
    Who thought he was ever so trendy
    He put on some lace, and powdered his face
    But the kids just called him Wendy


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