Sodwana rockpools

At the corner of Sodwana Bay is Jesser’s Point, where the dive operator we use in Sodwana, Coral Divers, has a gazebo and launch spot. There’s a little reef here that is completely covered at high tide, but at low tide is exposed with some beautiful rockpools inhabited by many juvenile fish, urchins and crabs.


Clare went exploring here between dives, taking advantage of the fact that she was wearing a wetsuit to kneel down in the pools with her underwater camera. I soon followed her with my video camera, and the footage above was all shot in water less than a metre deep. It’s warm and crystal clear. Look out for Clare in a red shirt, floppy hat and half a wetsuit.

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals