Steve and his hard-working team at Pisces Divers in Glencairn have been labouring for a few weekends now on their artificial reef at Long Beach. I finally had an opportunity to check it out on a dive with Tony, Tami, Keren, Nils and Corne, and was extremely impressed by their work so far. Check out this awesome contraption to transport breeze blocks – this is ingenuity!
The main feature (or hostess, if you will) of the reef is Lady Long Beach, who I think used to live in Erika and Steve’s garden. She looks much happier in the sea! We did speak to another diving instructor who said that some students of his came across her on a night dive, just after she’d been placed in the water, and almost jumped out of their wetsuits to see a “wee girlie” (he’s Scottish) standing calmly on the sand, illuminated by their torches!
Recent additions include a large plant pot (which we’ve taken to calling the bird bath) – I think this could be an excellent place to hide, if you’re small enough… And a very impressively constructed, gently curving wall of concrete breeze blocks, held together by cable ties.
We are so looking forward to seeing how this develops… Artificial reefs are a wonderful habitat for fish and other creatures, and this one is sure to be a popular diver attraction at Long Beach. It’s located 25 metres north of the seaward end of the pipeline… Go check it out!